💡 Simple Qubit
This is the simplest example use case of the GRAPE🍇 library. There is a qubit interacting with two time-varying control drives (see this project’s manuscript) and we want to understand how to control the qubit. The qubit begins in some initial state ($\lvert0\rangle$ in this example) and we want to find the control drives that would take the qubit to some target state ($\lvert1\rangle$ in this example).
👉 Imports
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, r'..') # Path to grape code, won't be a problem if it was downloaded from conda
import grape # This is mine :)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import qutip as qt # qutip is used only to easily define basic quantum operators and turn them into numpy ndarrays
👉 Ladder operators
Setting up qubit ladder operators, $\hat{q}$ and $\hat{q}^\dagger$
q = qt.destroy(2)
qd = q.dag()
# Turn qutip objects to numpy
q = np.array(q)
qd = np.array(qd)
👉 Hamiltonians ⚡
In this example we’ll consider a very simple qubit, the Hamiltonian of which is given (up to a constant factor) by:
\[H_0 = \hat{q}^\dagger \hat{q}\]We use two microwave pulses to control the qubit, I and Q. The Hamiltonians describing the interaction between the qubit and the pulses are:
\[H_I = (\hat{q} + \hat{q}^\dagger)\] \[H_Q = (\hat{q} - \hat{q}^\dagger)\cdot i\]The amplitude of the microwave pulses varies with time (this is how we control the system). The amplitude of the I pulse is given by $\epsilon_I(t)$ and of the Q by $\epsilon_Q(t)$. The total Hamiltonian of the system is the sum:
\[H = H_0 + \epsilon_I(t) H_I + \epsilon_Q(t) H_Q\]We seek to find optimal $\epsilon_I (t)$ and $\epsilon_Q (t)$
H_0 = qd@q
H_I = qd + q
H_Q = (qd - q)*1j
👉 Time variables ⏰
T is the total time, Ns is the number of time steps and times is array of all time steps
T = 25
Ns = 1000
times = np.linspace(0.0, T, Ns)
👉 Initial and target states
Setting initial and target states. $\lvert\psi_{initial}\rangle\ =\ \lvert0\rangle$ and $\lvert\psi_{target}\rangle\ =\ \lvert1\rangle$
psi_initial = np.array(qt.basis(2, 0))
psi_target = np.array(qt.basis(2, 1))
👉 Initial drive amplitudes guess
We treat the the drive amplitudes $\epsilon_I(t)$ and $\epsilon_Q(t)$ as step-wise constant function, with step size of $\frac{T}{Ns}$ and a total of $Ns$ steps. This is why, in code, each drive amplitude is a numpy ndarray of length Ns. To find optimal drive amplitudes we need to give the program an initial guess, we’ll guesss a random pulse
e_I = np.random.random(Ns) * 0.01
e_Q = np.random.random(Ns) * 0.01
We need to put the multiple drive hamiltonians into one variable and also for the multiple drive amplitudes. We set a variable, drive_hamiltonians, which is a list of all the drive hamiltonians, and a variable, pulses, which is a list of the drive amplitudes. Notice that the two lists need to be the same length and that the $i^{th}$ drive hamiltonian in the list correspond to the $i^{th}$ drive amplitude in the list
drive_hamiltonians = [H_I, H_Q]
pulses = np.array([e_I, e_Q])
👉 Creating GRAPE object 🍇
We now create the GrapePulse object, which contains all the data on the pulse and can be used for the optimization
grape_pulse = grape.GrapePulse(psi_initial, psi_target, T, Ns, H_0, drive_hamiltonians, pulses)
👉 Optimization 🛠
We now run the GRAPE optimization, we can choose to graph the probabilites over the duration of the pulse before and after the optimization
results = grape_pulse.optimize(graph_prob=True)
[1m == Starting Optimization == [0m
Doing quantum magic, please wait😀
Epoch 57 ➞ [1m Fidelity: [35m99.81%[0m [#######################################]
[1m[32m == Optimization finished successfulyafter 57 epochs ==[0m
We get back a dictionary with all the results we need: optimized drive amplitudes, final fidelity, the Hamiltonians (which are allready known if you wrote this script, but usefull if you want to save it to a file), the Hilbert space dimensions and some comments you can add. The dictionary has the form:
- “pulses”: ndarray of shape (number of drive amplitudes$\ \times\ $number of time steps)
- “fidelity”: float of the final fidelity
- “Hamiltonians”:
- “constant”: ndarray matrix of the constant hamiltonian
- “drives”: list of ndarray matrices of the drive hamiltonians
- “dimensions”: ndarray of list of original hilbert space dimensions
- “comments”: comments you can add (again, only useful when you save as a file and want to understand what these results mean
👉 Graphing the results 📈
pulses = results["pulses"]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2)
# --- Initial ---
axes[0].set_title("Initial pulse")
axes[0].plot(times, e_I)
axes[0].plot(times, e_Q)
axes[0].legend([r'$\epsilon_I$', r'$\epsilon_Q$'])
# --- Final ---
axes[1].set_title("final pulse")
axes[1].plot(times, pulses[0])
axes[1].plot(times, pulses[1]);
Why isn’t this smooth like we expect from theory? You can find the answer to this in the manusctpt, but to fix this, we need to add constraints.
Checking the final fidelity
One last thing we need to check is that the final fidelity is actually close to $1$, let’s check that now
print("A fidelity of", results["fidelity"], "was achieved by the optimization")
A fidelity of 0.9974905563720318 was achieved by the optimization